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Management Policy & Strategy

Management Policy

Management Philosophy

"The SWCC Group strives to be trusted"

  • The SWCC Group will strive to earn the "trust" of our customers through high technology and high quality products and services.
  • The SWCC Group will, through healthy business activities, create corporate values that will earn the "trust" of the employees, customers, shareholders and the local community.
  • The SWCC Group will, by complying with all applicable rules and regulations and through the prioritization of safety and the regional environment, conduct "trustworthy" activities.

Mission Statement

"Creating for the Future"

The SWCC Group will create new value for a better future.

  • We will create products and services that will earn the trust of our customers.
  • We will create earth environmentally friendly products.
  • We will create corporate values that will earn trust through healthy business activities.

SWCC Group Management Policy

The SWCC Group has established and worked on the following management policies
to achieve our management philosophy, "The SWCC Group strives to be trusted."

  • 1. The SWCC Group shall give top priority to its customers and develop and provide them with products, technology, and services that are beneficial for society, environmentally friendly, good quality, and safety conscious, and contribute to the development of society.
  • 2. The SWCC Group shall comply with all applicable domestic and foreign laws and regulations and act in accordance with social norms based on ethics.
  • 3. The SWCC Group shall create a bright and pleasant working environment and enhance the autonomy and willingness of employees based on respect for human dignity.
  • 4. The SWCC Group shall conduct corporate activities based on fair, transparent, and free competition, and secure appropriate profits.
  • 5. The SWCC Group shall maintain sound and normal relations with politics, government, and the local community.
  • 6. The SWCC Group shall disclose corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner to conduct public relations activities for its shareholders as well as for the public at large, while strictly managing the acquisition, use, and disclosure of information.
  • 7. The SWCC Group shall recognize that working on environmental issues is an essential requirement for corporate activities, and strive to create an affluent and healthy environment.
  • 8. The SWCC Group shall conduct corporate activities in a sensible manner and respond to anti-social forces and organizations with a resolute attitude.
  • 9. The SWCC Group shall, as a member of the international community, strive to conduct corporate activities and contribute to society, while respecting local cultures and practices.


Value Creation Model

Through initiatives such as "outstanding technology and highly reliable products and services," "safe and stable business activities," and "solutions to management issues," the SWCC Group will contribute to the realization of a rich human society by providing various value to customers and solving social, environmental, and industry issues. In addition, we will continue to invest in further improvement of corporate value and sustained growth, as well as pay stable continuous dividends to our shareholders and investors through income growth.

Value Creation Model

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Value Creation in Practice

Value Creation Achievements

Medium-term Management Plan "Change & Growth SWCC 2026"

Rolling Plan 2024

Review of the numerical targets for the fiscal year 2026

SWCC group has developed a rolling plan for the medium-term management plan, which marks its third year since the announcement, in May 2024. Based on changes in the business environment and the progress made over the past two years of the medium-term management plan, we have revised the overall plan upwards. At the same time, we are introducing new key initiatives aimed at enhancing corporate value to move closer to our desired vision for 2030.

However, the circumstances surrounding the Company's business environment are changing. For example, the electric power infrastructure market in Japan is seeing greater demand than initially expected. Meanwhile, the spread of xEVs is delayed and Japanese manufacturers of home appliances now have a weaker presence and the environment surrounding our wire harness business has changed. In view of these factors, in the current third quarter, the Company decided to again revise the numerical targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2027 as the final fiscal year of the Medium-term Management Plan. While continuing to respond flexibly to changes in the business environment, the Company will promote business portfolio management with ROIC as an indicator and strengthen our businesses' capacity to generate cash flows.This will enable the reliable execution of growth investments and enhance shareholder returns.

Corporate Vision SWCC VISION 2030
Corporate Vision SWCC VISION 2030

2025/02/07 released
Medium-term Management Plan "Change & Growth SWCC 2026"~ Rolling Plan 2024~ 
Review of the numerical targets for the fiscal year 2026 PDF

2024/05/13 released
Medium-term Management Plan "Change & Growth SWCC 2026"~ Rolling Plan 2024~PDF

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