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Financial and non-financial Information
Financial Highlights
- Operating Results
- Segment Information
- Financial Condition
- Cash
Flows - Per Share Data
- Share Price Profitability
- Reference Indexes
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Operating Results
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Segment Net Sales
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Financial Condition
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Cash Flows
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Per Share Data
This is an analytical tool for using customized graphs to find your necessary financial data from prior fiscal years.
Reference Indexes
Non-financial Highlight
Number of employees

The number of employees in the Group rose slightly from FY2022 due to a staffing increase under improved business performance in Japan. Overseas, the number decreased from FY2022 as we conducted a review of appropriate personnel levels in response to a decline in orders associated with recession in China. We will continue working to maintain a number of employees commensurate with sustainable growth.
Scope: SWCC and its consolidated subsidiaries
Number of female employees

We actively recruit new graduate and mid-career hires, and the total number of female managerial track employees and executives is steadily increasing. We will strive to recruit and retain more female employees by providing career development support for female employees conducted by SWCCarat, we are striving to create an environment that enables diverse work styles and to further recruit and retain female employees.
Scope: SWCC
Number of non-Japanese employees (domestic)

We actively recruit foreign employees, both new graduates and mid-career hires, to incorporate diverse cultures, religions, languages, and other perspectives and values into our Company. In FY2023, we opened an office in Hanoi, Vietnam. We will work to further recruit outstanding foreign human resources as we expand our overseas business.
Scope: SWCC
Percentage of annual paid leave taken

The percentage of employees taking paid leave, which decreased under the COVID-19 pandemic, returned to its previous level in FY2022 as the pandemic subsided. We achieved our FY2026 target of a 75% rate ahead of schedule in FY2023 due to changes in the environment after the downgrading of COVID-19 to a Category V infectious disease in Japan, and due to cooperation with labor unions and the management of leave days at the departmental unit.
Scope: SWCC
Greenhouse gas emissions

In FY2023, Scope 1 increased from FY2022 due to the exclusion of carbon credits and the addition of CO2 emissions from solvent combustion. Along with deeper implementation of energy conservation activities, the photovoltaic power generation introduced at the Aichi Factory entered operation smoothly. Due to increased production, however, Scope 2 emissions increased from FY2022.
Scope of data: Major production sites of domestic Group companies
Industrial waste landfill rate

We advanced our reduction of waste plastic, but due to increased production, our landfill rate was 0.53%, with reduction of final disposal volume remaining at 69%. We promoted material recycling for a portion of our waste plastics and established a scheme for conversion to oil. Looking ahead, we will work to expand the scope of application and reduce emissions volume.
Scope of data: Major production sites of domestic Group companies