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Disclosure Policy

1.Basic policy

We will proactively disclose information in order to be a company that is properly understood, evaluated, trusted, and empathized with by our shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders.

We hope that you will deepen your understanding of the SWCC Group, and your opinions will be actively reflected in our management.

We disclose information in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Security" ("The Timely Disclosure Rules") established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

In addition, we will actively and continuously disclose information that may affect the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, even if such information is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, in accordance with the "the SWCC Group Information Disclosure Rules" established by our company.

We strive for fair and timely disclosure, avoiding selective disclosure of undisclosed material information to certain institutions or individuals.

2. Methods of Information Disclosure

We will ensure that information that has a significant impact on investment decisions is communicated accurately and fairly. Of this information, information apply to the Timely Disclosure Rules will be disclosed on the TSE's Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet), and will be promptly posted on the Company's website.
We will also disclose and disseminate non-financial information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules in a fair and proactive manner, such as by posting such information on the Company and the Group's website, if such information is useful in promoting understanding among stakeholders.

3.Silent period

In order to prevent leaks of financial information and ensure fairness, we establish Silent period immediately prior to the announcement of financial results and refrain from commenting on or answering questions regarding financial results.
The Silent period is approximately one month prior to the announcement of financial results for each fiscal period.
However, even during the Silent period, we may make timely disclosures regarding revisions to earnings forecasts and dividend forecasts, etc., in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.

4.Forecasts and Forward-Looking Statements

Plans, future outlooks, and strategies of the Company and its group disclosed by the Company are based on judgments and assumptions based on information available at the time of disclosure, and are not guarantees or assurances that future plans or measures will be realized.
Actual results may differ significantly from these forecasts due to changes in economic and market conditions.
The Company will make every effort to enhance the accuracy of its forward-looking statements and will disclose any changes in the forward-looking statements in a timely manner.

5.Investor Relations System

The executive officer in charge of investor relations is responsible for investor relations, and a dedicated investor relations representative in Business Strategy Planning Dept. serves as the point of contact.
The Investor Relations department will enhance dialogue with shareholders and investors in cooperation with the accounting, finance, legal, CSR and other departments as necessary.

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